AEB-L Stainless 4” sloyd knife in burned Hickory and Mahogany leather sheaths
AEB-L Stainless 4” sloyd knife in burned Hickory and Mahogany leather sheaths
AEB-L is my favorite steel to use and work with. It performs like the very best carbon steels, with added corrosion resistance and slightly better edge retention. I live in New England where temps fluctuate a lot often causing condensation to form on my tools in the shop. AEB-L will not haze with rust in these conditions the way carbon steel can. It was originally formulated for the razor blade industry to have very fine micro structure to take fine edges.
Four inch blades feature a 27 degree flat grind, and my “mid belly” edge profile that I consider a happy medium no most any carving and wood working. The tip is fine enough without being overly fragile
Veg tanned leather sheath dyed Mahogany
These will ship on roughly Friday June 21st